Category: z

Boost Your Wellbeing: Learn How To Be Happier

10 Days of Happiness is a free 10-day online coaching program developed by Action for Happiness which guides you through daily actions for happier living. Check it out here

Mental Health Awareness Week 2020

This week, 18 – 24th May is Mental Health Awareness Week, and the theme is kindness. We will post messages, thoughts and support here on this page over the course of the week which we hope will help you to know that there are people who care, and people...

Staying Safe from Suicidal Thoughts

Everyone is feeling under pressure at the moment and, for some of us, those pressures can seem unbearable and be overwhelming. Its not always easy to talk to someone who can help you immediately This wonderful resource from 4 Mental Health is something that you may wish to look...

Together We’re Better: Local Health and Care System Updates

Together We’re Better is a Sustainability and Transformation partnership (STP) of NHS and local government organisations, alongside independent and voluntary sector groups, that is working together to transform local health and care services.   Through a number of programmes, they are developing new models of care to deliver their vision. Each programme is...

Post Office launches new cash delivery option to help the most vulnerable

“Cash delivery payments are now available for the most vulnerable individuals thanks to the Post Office in partnership with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). The cash payments are available to the DWP to use to support their most vulnerable customers, initially in England, who are shielding because...