Mental Health Awareness Week 2020

This week, 18 – 24th May is Mental Health Awareness Week, and the theme is kindness. We will post messages, thoughts and support here on this page over the course of the week which we hope will help you to know that there are people who care, and people who want to support you through this very difficult time. Scroll down to see what we have been able to offer.

Item 1: Video Messages from Social Hub volunteers:

The Stoke on Trent Social Hubs, whether real or virtual wouldn’t exist without our amazing volunteers who turn up every week to help run them. We are having a volunteer meeting virtually every week at the moment, and this week, in support of Mental Health Awareness Week some of our volunteers have been asked to send you a message that is personal to them.

Thank you to our volunteers who you can hear below!

Item 2: Resources:

Its important at any time to be kind to ourselves and others, but right now, in the midst of social isolation its even more important. This wonderful resource pack from the Mental Health Foundation has been put together to help you to explore ways to help yourself and others. Please have a look and see if there is anything here that inspires you.


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