Free Online Digital Skills Training for everyone
A new online learning platform to help boost the nation’s skills while people are staying at home, has been launched today (28 April 2020). Free courses are available through the new online platform hosted on the website, called the Skills Toolkit, link included below: (link is external)...
What is Ramadan?
Ramadan started last Saturday 25th April for most muslims in the UK. This very helpful document by Shaw Trust/Ixion will give you a good idea of what Ramadan means and some excellent advice in how to participate in 2020, a year when the normal has to be cast aside...
Back to School
This is a really useful suggested timetable of additional resources for all the parents out there who are homeschooling at the moment. Just follow the links in the pdf to some great resources for different areas of the curriculum...
Our Wednesday Virtual Workshop with BCB was brilliant again
The BCB team have put more information about the work they have been doing in partnership with Stoke Recovery and Starfish Social Hub on their website which can be accessed here. Notice: An extra session will run Wednesday 13th May at 1.30 pm and any Social Hub member is welcome to...
Ramadan Guidance
The Muslim Council of Britain, the largest umbrella organisation for Muslims in Britain, has published online guidance to help millions cope with the restrictions of lockdown during the coming fasting month of Ramadan. It says this year’s Ramadan, which begins at the end of this week, will be “a...
Poems by Nicola Turner
Summer Summer means hot weather…Summer means a lot more sun…Summer means more people out and about…Summer means warm air…Summer means pubs and clubs will be full of people…Summer means shops will be crowded again…Summer means more events will be planned…Summer means more and more parties will be going on…Summer...
Offer or receive help in Newcastle via this link
If you live in the Newcastle Borough area, this link will help you to be aware of what support is around. Whether you need help or you want to offer help to others, follow the link below and it will explain easily how you can access or offer support....
Help and advice to support you over the Easter Weekend
This is lovely everyone. Just download this document which is crammed with loads of information and ideas for you and your family to use to occupy yourself over the Easter break. Please stay home, stay safe and support your NHS by not mixing with other people...