Green Angels: Environmental Education Courses

(See bottom of post for booking instructions)

Environmental Education Course

Wednesdays from 23rd July – 20th August 2020

Delivered by the Land Trust’s in-house forest school practitioner and Green Angels Project Manager, this course is a perfect opportunity to learn about providing environmental education experiences for young people outdoors. This course will be delivered both online and onsite – please look at the poster for more information. There are 8 spaces available for this programme, with an additional two places available for attendance at the virtual sessions only.

Bramble and Elder Workshop

Sunday 26th July 2020

Delivered by Red Oak Bushcrafts, this three hour workshops is a chance to get outdoors and be creative with natural materials that you can find growing around you. In particular, you will be exploring the many uses of bramble, and learning about some of the amazing properties of Elder. There will be two workshops, one at 9.30am and one at 1.30pm. There are 4 places available on each workshop.

For information about other courses across Hassall Green and Silverdale, visit our webpage.

How are we delivering these courses safely?

All activities have been reviewed and risk assessed fully with our trainers, so that they can be delivered in a manner which is covid-safe. More details will be provided about how the sessions will be delivered safely upon application, but the key elements to note are:

  • Small groups with fewer than 6 people
  • Socially distanced session set-ups
  • Handwashing and sanitiser facilities
  • PPE

Please note that you will be asked to confirm that neither you, nor anyone in your household have any COVID symptoms before being confirmed onto any Green Angels programme.

How to book your place

If you would like to apply for either of these courses, please complete all three of the following steps:

  1. Respond to this email, letting me know which course you would like to apply for
  2. Ensure you have completed the online Application Form
  3. Ensure you have completed the online Welfare Form

If you have already submitted these forms previously, please state this in your email to me (step 1). You do not need to complete them again. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Please just get in touch if you have any questions at all, and we will look forward to seeing some of you on the first training courses of 2020!


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