Knit and Natter group thrives on Whats App
The knitters amongst you will know that quite a few of our members have been encouraged to join the Swann Bank Knit and Natter group and have been busy with their needles and natter ever since! Its a very mindful and creative activity which helps people with anxiety to switch off and focus on something else, and the church ladies, led by Sue, and Angie Parry from our partner Groundworks, have made participants on the programme, beginners and experts alike, very welcome indeed.

We thought it would be nice to celebrate the fact that they have all gone “virtual” and set up a Whats App group to share their ideas and designs and finished pieces. Its a busy, vibrant chat area, with lots of photographs, tips and encouragement. Its such a boost for our participants who would be so lonely without this activity.
The Knit and Natter group are very open to new people joining, so if you have an interest in knitting, like a bit of a natter (virtually at the moment!) then this might be for you. We’ve already had two new participants ask to join this week! To be invited to join the Whats App Knit and Natter group just text Angie on her work mobile 07789 637074 and she will add you to the group. Happy knitting everyone.