Virtual Hub 03/06/2020
Last week’s virtual hub was so busy but clearly everyone was enjoying themselves and it was nice to see some new faces, and lovely to welcome coach Jane Christie from YMCA who accompanied her participant to support her. How lovely was that? We had the draw for topics for...
The Virtual Hub is Growing
Every week we hold our virtual social hub and the numbers are growing all the time. We hope to increase the number of sessions now people are getting used to the idea. Using Zoom is quite easy once you know how it works, but being brave enough to come...
Knit and Natter group thrives on Whats App
The knitters amongst you will know that quite a few of our members have been encouraged to join the Swann Bank Knit and Natter group and have been busy with their needles and natter ever since! Its a very mindful and creative activity which helps people with anxiety to...
Virtual Hub numbers climbing
Week two of the Virtual social hub on Zoom has proved to be very popular with 11 people attending and two more getting in touch to say that they wanted to be there but will try again next week. It was so lovely to see everyone and be able...