International Suicide Prevention Day 10th September – Resources

Youth mental Health day 07th of September.

International Suicide Prevention Day 10th Of September.

The mental health of our families, colleagues and participants is vitally important and this has since been compounded by the recent pandemic. So, it is essential we recognise these important dates and we all talk to one another about them and share information and good practice.

Youth Mental health Day

Youth Mental Health Day encourages understanding and awareness of mental health in young people, enabling them to live happy and healthy lives all year round. Each year, the day aims to get young people, and those who support them, talking about how to improve mental health. This year (2020) is the first YMHD and will be focused on building resilience with the theme ‘Bounce Not Break’.  The campaign focuses on the need to understand that anyone, however successful or seemingly popular, or funny, can face struggles with mental health, but that you can ‘bounce not break’ by finding strategies that help you cope. You can find more detailed information on YMHD on the link below:

There are some really helpful resources which you may like to take a look at here and you are welcome to download them to use or share with friendsd and family.

A teacher and practitioners guide to YMHD,

“Asking For Help” booklet, full of advice and help for any young person struggling with mental health.

A simple help poster that can be used 121 or in offices with tips and tricks on how to be resilient and how to “Bounce back” from mental health issues.

There was an accompanying video shared on the website on the 7th of September, giving a visual guide about YMHD and tips and advice on how to ‘Bounce not Break’. This can be viewed on the following link:​

Also, please take a look at the Ixion news webpage, where we have published some interesting facts and statistics about youth mental health. You can view this page on the link below:

International Suicide Prevention Day

World Suicide Prevention Suicide Day is on 10th September. Every year organisations and communities around the world come together to raise awareness of how we can create a world where fewer people die by suicide. The Samaritans charity states “suicide is preventable, it’s not inevitable.” IASP (International Association of Suicide Prevention, are running this year’s awareness day their website contains useful help and information and also some key information videos, you can view their webpage below:

IASP have also released a special educational suicide prevention day video in preparation for next week, to educate people on ways to help others with suicidal thoughts or feelings. This video can be watched and shared using the link below:

Please remember, if any of your family, colleagues or beneficiaries are having suicidal thoughts or feelings, we can signpost them to the Samaritans. They are available 24hrs a day 365 days per year and can be contacted at any time by email, text or by phone. Their webpage and contacts are on the web link below. I have also attached a poster for Samaritans to the email which again can be printed, shared or used in offices.


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