Moving Online

We hope to provide you with a safe non-judgemental space here – just like the social hub! You will be able to chat, share ideas and content and carry on with much of what we did in the social hubs. Its early days but we will have:

  • Virtual chat areas and we will have Google Hangouts where you will be able to see each other by video on your phone We hope to host these 2 or 3 times a week to begin with and perhaps have them as themed sessions if you are interested.
  • A gallery owned by you where we will display your Creative Writing pieces from the online classes we are going to be running
  • Master Art Teacher (better known to you as David!) will be providing you with some Mindful Drawing sessions and some online Mindfulness classes if you are interested
  • The wonderful BCB team at Spode, have already offered to do some online workshops with you utilising stuff anyone might have at home to be creative. Some of you will already know Sarah Fraser their artist in residence who will be leading on this. How exciting is that?
  • Helpful information about whats happening with social isolation and whats going on around the city that could be useful for you.
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